Zeta Infantry

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These are the secret guards of the imperium. However, they care very little about the imperium itself, instead they mainly seek to preserve peace and unity. As a result of this, they try to feel very little emotion, as emotions can lead to misguided and improper choices. Members of this organization are typically well trained in unarmed combat, as well as blade combat using a laser sword. They also will typically posses psionic talents. One thing of note is that they will not accept anybody who they feel is weak and/or not in control of their emotions. If one in this organization is later found to not have 100% control of their emotions they are removed from the organization. This organization is very difficult to enter, not only because of the barrier of emotions, but also because it is very difficult to find a member of the organization who is willing to say that they are a member of the organization.


Anybody in this organization has an automatic +2 to their Dexterity score, as through the training, members of the Zeta Infantry are known to gain great amounts of speed. They also get Athletics (Any) +1, Melee Combat (Any Blade) +1. As for the psionic nature of this organization, the members get a +1 to their psionic strength as well as the opportunity to add one more basic psionic talent to their repertoire.


The everyday carry of a member of the Zeta Infantry is simply a Laser Sword. They view guns as crude and imprecise, and see no value in metal swords.


Emotions are for the weak. To truly be at one's best, they must not feel anything, as feeling is simply a distraction for reality. They do not marry, and will often not even form friendships, as that could lead to emotions. They view all races as equal, provided they can pass the test. When in combat, one must always be in control. Despite what one's opponent does, one must always maintain the upper hand no matter the cost.